Student Mentorship
How it works

Apply and connect with your campus director
Get paired with your Israeli mentor
Schedule two phones or video chats
Given we are focused on pairing the busiest, most successful executives and students, we set a minimum of two required meetings; however, the mentor and mentee are encouraged to continue to have meetings (even in-person) and stay in touch for years to come, which is the case for a large portion of SUNM fellows.
Take advantage of the resources
Take advantage of the resources and connections from the Start-Up Mentorship Program on campus and beyond to develop the tools to succeed in your industry and develop a network in Israel for years to come.
About the program
Why join the program?
Today's world is global. Someday, you may have to collaborate with Israel. By being a Start-Up Nation Mentorship Fellow, you are opening the doors to an unparalleled international network that will always be accessible to you. Israel is a global leader in innovation and technology.
Whether you need help preparing for an interview, planning your career steps, building a resume, or you simply want to learn about an industry and Israel from a like-minded individual, this program will allow you to do all of the above and more.
What do you get?
After applying and getting accepted to the program, your campus Start-Up Nation Mentorship Leader will connect you with an Israeli executive who is in the field that you desire to work in. You will reach out to schedule two 30-minute phone calls or video conferences within a one-month window per call. Whether you need help with career planning, interview preparation, or you simply want to learn and form a meaningful connection, this program allows you to accomplish all of those tasks and more. You will establish a global relationship that you can leverage for years to come to expand your network in the Middle East.
What industries are available?
This program allows students to connect with an Israeli in any industry. Some examples include investment banking, consulting, engineering/tech, venture capital/private equity, entrepreneurship, real estate, etc. While we primarily focus on the business and technology sectors, we have mentors in medicine, law, government, media, among many others. Feel free to tell us your interest in the “Other” option.
Does this program have opportunities to work in Israel?
Start-Up Nation Mentorship can connect you to incredible opportunities to work in Israel, but does not offer a guaranteed internship or job in the country. However, your mentor may be able to also help provide you with additional insight or opportunities.